Our ESG approach

At Insiqt Energy, our commitment to responsible operations is unwavering. We actively seek avenues to minimize environmental impacts and uphold social responsibility and corporate governance standards across our employees, facilities, clients, communities, and supply chain worldwide.

In crafting our ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) strategies, we strive to align our operations with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and industry benchmarks. Through independent assessment and reporting of our practices and performance, we ensure that we remain steadfast in delivering on our commitments.

Our dedication to these principles is evident in all facets of our activities, whether pertaining to environmental stewardship, social engagement, or governance principles, which we refer to as our Planet, People, and Principles of Governance (PPP) approach.

While some may question how a company primarily operating in the oil and gas sector can adopt an ESG-focused approach, we reject any notion of incongruity. The energy transition is well underway, and as long as the oil and gas and offshore energy sectors exist, they must operate with utmost efficiency and environmental regard.

Through collaboration with independent third parties, we have assessed our operational carbon footprint and proudly maintained carbon neutrality for all our sites globally for three consecutive years. Our commitment extends to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2030, or even earlier, and we have devised our own roadmap to further decarbonize our global operations.